

Created by Jon from GamestormEDU

A creative yet strategic tableau-building game for 3-6 players where you design a game and pitch a game to win the game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gamestormers January Update - On the Boat, BackerKit Survey Reminder & More News!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 09:26:00 AM

Hi Fellow Gamestormers!

We're still chugging along toward our February goal of fulfillment - there are some BIG announcements below on that front! Plus, some exciting Gamestormers news and notes as well.

1. Gamestormers is on the Boat - Next Stop... USA!

Gamestormers has officially boarded its ship in China and is en route to the United States. Its estimated arrival to port is February 6th, with an ETA of arrival in Chicago around February 15th. Wooooo!

Ghost Ship
We assume the ship Gamestormers is on looks something exactly like this!

 So... what does this mean for you? It means we're looking at fulfillment starting late February. Sadly, this will put us at the back-end of that February/March fulfillment window, but we did not expect quite the delay waiting at the port to get on our vessel. Thankfully, this means we are one boat closer to the final step in the entire process... hooray!

Shipping Timeline
We are moving from shipping to fulfillment soon!

 2. Last Chance - Update Addresses, Fill Out BackerKit Survey & Charging Cards

We're entering "last call" for completing BackerKit Surveys - we still have about 30 backers who ordered a physical copy of Gamestormers but have not completed their survey and paid for shipping. We cannot send your copy of Gamestormers without this step!

Below is the message you have likely received a few times thus far, and we just sent out a reminder today to backers who still need to complete the survey.

BackerKit Survey Email
Make sure to fill out the survey in your inbox ASAP!

If you have changed addresses or perhaps the credit card you used to pay for shipping has changed, you can still update your address or your payment method in BackerKit using the link below:

We will be charging cards this week, so make sure to get your information up-to-date as soon as possible!

3. Fun Gamestormers News & Blogs

Gamestormers and GamestormEDU have all sorts of great resources to share and events coming up. We would LOVE to see you at one of our upcoming conferences to say hi in person! 

Here are some of the events, along with links to register if you want to attend:

In addition, we've got some great content coming out. In our most recent blog, our CEO, Jon, discusses how to use Gamestormers and game design to teach any subject.

Gamestormers Assets
Learn about using game design and Gamestormers to teach concepts!

We're so thrilled at what is coming up next for Gamestormers - now everyone cross your fingers that Pacific Pirates do not sieze the ocean freighter carrying Gamestormers! 

As always, thank you for your incredible support. You made Gamestormers possible - we appreciate you!



Chief Executive and Creative Officer


A Holiday Gift for Print n Play & Digital Art Book Backers - And News for 2023!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 09:10:11 AM

Hi Everyone,

It's a holiday miracle! We managed to assemble both our Gamestormers Print n Play File along with our Digital Art Book for those of you who backed at the PnP level and/or added on the Art Book. 

If you haven't accessed them already, be sure to check your email if you signed up for the Gamestormers Print and Play level. BackerKit officially handled our distribution of the .zip file for the Print n Play PDFs, and the full PDF file of the Digital Art Book.

Gamestormers Print and Play Cards
Some Gamestormers Print and Play Cards

 If you missed out on the Gamestormers Print and Play and/or the Gamestormers Digital Art Book, we will be making them available on our Gamestormers Site Shop shortly. You can also add on both the Print n Play copy of the game and/or the Digital Art Book via your BackerKit Survey.

Gamestormers Updates and a Fun Blog

Since our last update, we're working with our manufacturer and shipping/logistics partners to finalize ocean freight details. As soon as our boat hits the water with Gamestormers in tow, we'll let you know! We're still hopeful that our revised timeline of late January/early February arrival for the game is going to be a reality.

Speaking of which, we're now up to 74% completion rate on our BackerKit Surveys - make sure to complete yours ASAP so you receive your game on time. If you recall, we are finalizing and charging the shipping now because the rates were so volatile during the Kickstarter in April.

BackerKit Data

If you do need to access your survey OR update any information about your order (such as an address change), just head to

On top of Gamestormers almost heading for the high seas, GamestormEDU has some exciting news! Our CEO, Jon, recently attended and presented at Protospiel Madison, an event where game designers gather to playtest each others' game prototypes. In addition to promoting Gamestormers, Jon playtested GamestormEDU's newest game, Doomscroll, and played a bunch of great games! Check out his recap of Protospiel Madison in the newest GamestormEDU blog post.

Protospiel Madison Crowd
A shot of Protospiel Madison in action.

Happy Holidays from Gamestormers!

Hold a Festival Gamestormers Card
We hope this card is as festive as your holiday season

  We are so grateful for all of your support during 2022 - your belief in Gamestormers has made the game a reality! We cannot wait for the game to arrive at your door in 2023. Stay tuned for progress on our ocean freight shipping and eventual fulfillment. Thank you!



Gamestormers December Update - Manufacturing Nearing Completion... Get Those Surveys In!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 10:38:40 PM

Hi Everyone,

Gamestormers is getting so very close to being in your hands! We almost cannot contain our excitement - so let's dive in to the updated progress and some other fun details.

1. Mass Production is Wrapping Up... Time for Ocean Freight Shipping

Our manufacturer, Longpack Games, is finishing up the mass production of Gamestormers in the next week or so. Once the game is completed, Gamestormers hops onto a large cargo ship and heads to the United States from China, which should take around 30 days. When it arrives, it will go through customs and then head up to our fulfillment center in Michigan.

Gamestormers Timeline

What does that mean for you? It means we're still in the window of our shipping timeline, but those games are still going to start shipping around late January to early February. So... no big changes to the timeline since our last update!

On that note...

2. Fill Out Those BackerKit Surveys!

We've got a solid 70% of BackerKit Surveys completed by you, the backers. Thank you! However, that means we're still waiting for 30%, or about 103 surveys, to come in. We cannot send you your copy of Gamestormers without them!

Gamestormers BackerKit Survey Data

Keep an eye out for the emails from BackerKit if you still need to complete your survey and pay for any outstanding shipping charges. You also can add additional items to your order from the BackerKit system too!

 If you need to update your order or change your shipping address, just use the link below:

3. Digital Rewards (Print n Play, Art Book, Tabletopia Gold) Coming Soon!

We've been busy perfecting the Gamestormers Print n Play PDF, along with the Digital Art Book, and finalizing details for the Tabletopia Gold Memberships. 

For you print n play folks, our goal is to get you a ready-to-use PDF file that will be easy to print, cut, and put together. We believe we should have something for you before the end of 2022! 

Our Digital Art Book is just going through final proofs and should be sent out to those who ordered it as an add-on. If you want a digital copy or a printed copy in the future, keep an eye out for it on our site!

Gamestormers Add-on Digital Options

You can still add on any of the physical or digital items from BackerKit via your survey - we're incredibly proud of each item we've made for you!

Thanks, as always, for your support of Gamestormers. It means a lot to us!



Gamestormers November Updates - Unboxing Videos, Organization Pre-orders & Mass Production!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 09:30:19 PM

Hi Gamestormers!

November is here, and that means more great Gamestormers updates! Whether it is gathering your final details to ensure Gamestormers ends up at your doorstep or seeing the first finalized version of the game, these updates are HUGE.

 1. Gamestormers Pre-Production Copy Unboxing Video 

We've got some incredible news to share with you - the pre-production copy of Gamestormers arrived in the mail from our manufacturer, LongPack Games... and it's fantastic!

You can check out the full unboxing video below to see all of the great details of the game.

 So... what does this mean for Gamestormers? It means we're entering mass production next! 

And what does it mean for you this update...? Photos of the (almost) end product, heh.

Gamestormers Player Notebook.
A completed Player Notebook featuring a game about the robot uprising in the underworld.
Gamestormers Character Cards
Oksana the Oracle and Marc the Magnificent
Gamestormers full game being played
Gamestormers precariously spread out on our couch!

We'll keep sharing more photos of the game in action in the coming months. Get excited!

  2. Backer Surveys Coming! Shipping, Add-ons & More 

Exciting news! With our move into mass production, we're going to start locking in those shipping costs and give you the opportunity to add on to your order!

If you haven't gotten it already, you'll begin receiving an email from Backerkit, our pledge manager service. When you open the link in the email, you'll see a screen that looks something like this (depending on your pledge level):

Gamestormers Pledge Manager

On the following screens, you'll see some follow-up information about your current shipping balance. Great news on that front - our shipping costs have NOT changed since the campaign, and thankfully global shipping appears to be much more "on track" than it was about a year ago. Phew! Most of you will have a $13 shipping fee to pay for, as we did NOT charge during the campaign in case the number went up or down drastically.

You also can add additional items on this screen - another copy of Gamestormers, our digital art book, and more!

Gamestormers Add-on Screen

 If you have any questions or concerns with your BackerKit survey, please let us know! BackerKit Support can answer questions, and you can reach out directly to us at GamestormEDU as well via our website.

3. Gamestormers Available for Organization & District Bulk Order

Last but not least, we're excited to share that we're now taking pre-orders for organizations and school districts who could not get in on the Kickstarter. Gamestormers can be purchased in a variety of ways from our Gamestormers website via our Bulk Order and Tax Exempt pages. While we offer great discounts for classroom sets of 5 games or whole-org sized orders of 25+ copies, we will ALWAYS offer the best prices to you, our wonderful backers!

Gamestormers Tax Exempt Page
Our Gamestormers District & Organization Tax Exempt Page

If you are part of an organization who might want to utilize our tax exempt or bulk purchasing, feel free to check out our site OR share it with family and friends. We want to give great organizations the chance to share the game with kiddos of all ages.

Even though Gamestormers is designed as a game for family, friends, and casual board game nights, we believe it also plays great as an activity in a classroom, library, or after-school program too. We've even created lessons and activities that could be paired with Gamestormers to build skills in writing, persuasion, and creative thinking. You can see a sample of one of these lessons here about narrative writing and see an excerpt in the image below:

Gamestormers Lesson Plan
Snapshot of our Gamestormers Writing Prompt Activity

We're always looking for innovative ways to combine games and everyday life, and our efforts to pair Gamestormers with key skills is part of that goal. We'll keep updating our site with more and more ways you can use Gamestormers as not only a great game with family and friends, but also as a skill-building experience.

That's everything for this update - thank you, as always, for your incredible support!



Chief Creative and Executive Officer, GamestormEDU

Gamestormers October Update - Bulk & District/Organization Pre-Order Available, Production Delay, Artbook & More!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 05:39:14 AM

Hi Everyone,

We've got some exciting news and some less-than-exciting news for you in our October Update. 

What's that? You want to start with the good news? Us too!

Good News: Gamestormers Now Available for District, Organization Bulk & Tax Exempt Pre-Order

We've been busy with many Gamestormers-related tasks, but one of the newest updates is for anyone wanting Gamestormers in bulk - you can now order multiple copies at a discount, buy using a Purchase Order, or even pay with tax-exempt status! This is a great option for school districts, organizations, and even local game shops. 

Gamestormers Bulk Pricing Options

Even though the prices are a great deal, we made sure that you, the backers, always received the best deal for being on the ground floor of our project. Recall that individual games were $35 and 5-game sets were $150 compared to the current prices we offer.

Please feel free to share with anyone who might be interested in getting in on the Gamestormers experience!

Bad News: Production Behind Schedule 1-2 Months

What else have we been up to at GamestormEDU? Art Proofs with our wonderful manufacturer, LongPack Games, working in tandem with our AMAZING art team at OwlGhost Studios. Basically, we sent all of our assets at the end of August to LongPack, and their graphics folks send us recommended revisions, feedback, box requirements, and more. We make changes, and they look and make more suggestions. Rinse and repeat this process a few more times, and *poof* September is over! 

Project Timeline
Timeline Update - We're starting pre-production in October!

The good news? We're officially set with our pre-production designs, and LongPack has begun making a physical copy for us to proof. We review it, make any final revisions, and then we go into mass production! Wooooo!

So... the bad news. We were hoping to get our revisions and pre-production started in September, and that didn't happen. This means our production likely will not wrap up until December. When the games make their trip on the ocean, they likely won't arrive at fulfillment until January or February... so we're about 1-2 months behind schedule. Booo!

But More Good News! Gamestormers Digital Art Books are Almost Complete!

So, as you can tell from the rest of the post, we've been BUSY. One of the most fun projects has been working on the Gamestormers Digital Art Books, an add-on that many of you took us up on during the campaign. The Artbook is 112 pages of behind-the-scenes versions of early card art, character bios, and who made the Gamestormers game come to life. Whenever I'm feeling a bit down, I crack open the Artbook PDF and take a trip down memory lane, heh.

Check our epic cover from the aforementioned magicians at OwlGhost Studios:

Gamestormers Art Book
Isn't it gorgeous?!

I know what you're thinking ... I WANT! If you didn't order a Digital Artbook, you will still have the opportunity to order one when we send out the BackerKit surveys in a few weeks to get your addresses, collect shipping, and confirm your order.

And if you want a physical copy? We're working on making the Gamestormers Artbook available as a print-on-demand purchase so that you can get a lovely, hardcover version to put on that coffee table at home. Stay tuned!

Thanks, as always, for your incredible support of our Gamestormers project. We'll keep letting you know the process and progress as transparently as possible. We appreciate you!

